“Women who commit to the daily discipline, prayer, and reflections found in “Magnify: Pursuing Virtue as a Feminine Genius” will find great spiritual refreshment and opportunities to grow in their friendship with Jesus. I think the 90-day program found in this book would be a good spiritual project for a parish women’s group or for any individual desiring to discover her own “feminine genius.” I heartily recommend this book for such use in the Archdiocese.”
Meditate Upon Scripture
Combining Old Testament, Psalms, and New Testament—Magnify 90 seeks to deepen the spiritual connection made between pursuing virtue and God’s Word to us. Interior formation must be rooted in scripture.
Church Document References
The Catechism of the Catholic Church is a great resource when seeking to grow in holiness. The Church has a lot to say about the major virtues, so Magnify 90 utilizes the Catechism to plug into the way that virtues flow to and from each other. St. Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologica is also referenced, as are some Papal encyclicals.
Meditation Questions
Each day’s meditation will lead to rich spiritual insights for every woman in any walk of life. The questions posed are a springboard for personal meditation and should lead her to contemplation of God throughout the day. Christian song suggestions are also made as an option for weaving the weekly theme into every day life.
Weekly Themes Based on Minor Virtues
Humility, Affability, Gratitude, Magnanimity, Docility, Industriousness, Modesty, Prayerfulness, Zeal, Meekness, Foresight / Providence, Moderation, and Perseverance through the Way of the Cross
Feminine Genius Patrons
St. Gemma, Servant of God Chiara Corbella, St. Angela Merici, St. Josephine Bakita, St. Teresa of Calcutta, St. Jane Frances de Chantel, St. Katharine Drexel, Our Lady of Fatima, St. Clare, St. Faustina, Mother Angelica, St. Catherine of Siena, St. Edith Stein, St. Zelie Martin, St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Gianna Molla
Our Lady, Seat of Wisdom, pray for us!
a flip through the workbook version
“when piety dies out in women, society is threatened in its very fabric, for a woman’s relationship to the sacred keeps the Church and society on an even keel, and when this link is severed, both are threatened by total moral chaos”